

    臺北美食驚艷全世界!菲律賓人氣網站「Our Awesome Planet」專程來臺拍攝臺北多樣美食,兼具動感與美感的獨特拍攝手法令人食指大動、胃口大開,來臺北,就是能大快朵頤!
    臺北美食驚艷全世界!菲律賓人氣網站「Our Awesome Planet」專程來臺拍攝臺北多樣美食,兼具動感與美感的獨特拍攝手法令人食指大動、胃口大開,來臺北,就是能大快朵頤!
    Taipei’s wonderful cuisine thrills the world! The popular Philippines website “Our Awesome Planet” has made a special visit to Taipei to shoot footage on our delicious culinary diversity. Its uniquely dynamic and aesthetic cinematic technique creates a huge appetite you’ll only be able to satisfy by coming to Taipei yourself to take a big bite out of this city!